[UK-CONTEST] Logging Programs

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 10 10:48:41 EDT 2002

Relaxing over the weekend with a copy of NCJ, I was reading an ad for miLOG by Ham Toys, (must say neither name are particularly inspiring). Shades of spudulike, toysrus etc, yuk. I wonder if anyone has any experience of this program. It claims to cator for all major contest formats with ethernet and serial interfaces and with a Special Server(?) can connect up to 25 pcs.

Writelog seems to be gaining popularity so I reckon that is worth looking at also. I am correct that you can reserve a serial number on one networked computer whilst running on another?

On another tack, Tim M5ACC/M0BEW mentioned about digitally recording contests. Assuming that Tim's "most of us" equates to about 1% of UK contesters who record their contests, it would be interesting to learn more about this. How about an article for RadCom Tim?

Chris G3SJJ

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