Clive Whelan clive at gw3njw.fsworld.co.uk
Mon Aug 12 16:28:04 EDT 2002

Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 13:01:37 -0700
To: 3830 at contesting.com, gw3njw at arrl.net
Subject: WAE CW GW7X(GW3NJW) Single Op HP
From: webform at hornucopia.com
Reply-to: gw3njw at arrl.net

                    WAE DX Contest, CW

Call: GW7X
Operator(s): GW3NJW
Station: GW3NJW

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 33

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:   25    29    11
   40:  164   269    37
   20:  144   190    44
   15:  118   207    43
   10:   25    30    11
Total:  486   725   146  Total Score = 424,008

Club: Contest Cambria


Antenna already broken, conditions broken, then at 0001z found 
Writelog 10.34 was also broken. Felt like wrapping it in and 
getting some sleep. 

However this is far and away the best contest in the calendar, 
which always demands of me- as an operator- a bit more than I 
have in the tank; well OK then quite a lot more, you're right, 
but don't rub it in!.

QSOs down by about 11% overall this year, but it is not clear 
how much is due to the broken antenna ( like 7:1 SWR at worst!), 
and how much to the poor conditions, a bit of both I suspect. 
Lost about half the 15m QSOs from last year, about the same for 
10m, which is never good in August. 20m was also down,
although not as much, and it was most noticeable that the VE3s 
had auroral flutter, which the East Coast US did not. 40m took 
up some of the slack, but just not enough. 80m was OK, but the 
QRN was murder..

Highlight- increased activity fron Africa.

Lowlight- Missing JA on 40m, then afterwards ( when the band was 
closed) realising that I had failed to remember how broken the 
verticals were, and that I  had to fire 180 degrees from the 
switch position. Thus I was spraying the RF on the LP, which of 
course wasn't open! Oh well, at least I got a few LUs just

Soooh I celebrate my 60th birthday by missing a lot of sleep, 
and staying glued to the radio; is this a sign of impending 
dementia? Well so what, there are probably worse ways, 

Addendum for UK consumption. Did I mention that it was soooh 
irritating that when I called someone on 14 or 21 Mhz, they 
invariably  went back to G3SQX or G3SXW ( even the JA on 40 to 
the former), is there something about a G3Sxx call that I've 


TS870, Alpha 78

Antenna- Crippled W1CF/Butternut hybrid array.

Writelog 10.34B ( don't even think about it! Stick with 10.33)



Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: 

gw3njw at gw7x.org
Contest Cambria-http://www.gw7x.org

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