Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue Aug 13 09:59:24 EDT 2002

Dave Sergeant wrote:
>I have never enjoyed this contest simply because of QTCs and this 
>weekend was no different.  The contest reminds me of the game 
>'Mornington Crescent'
> All of a sudden someone calls 'QTC'

There, I knew it reminded me of something.

Talking about recording: I had to wonder if anyone could really log 10 
incoming QTCs in real time, at the speed that some were being sent - 
each one instantly R'd and straight on to the next. It's not the Morse 
reading speed that's hard to believe, but the typing/scribbling speed 
required to get the solid string of 10 into the log with no time for 
'reading behind'. Is it real, or in WAE is 'QTC' a signal - at least for 
some people - to press the REC button?

The reason I ask is that, after 39 years, the CW contest bug has finally 
bitten! I'm listening and practising hard to get ears and fingers up to 
speed... catch you in a year or ten...

73 from Ian G3SEK

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