Fwd: [UK-CONTEST] TS930 Serial Comms
allmail at mm0antmail.co.uk
Tue Aug 20 13:45:54 EDT 2002
>Need some assistance. The new PIEXX digital board for the 930 has serial
>comms on it which works well with Turbolog and NA set to TS850. I can grab
>spots off the Cluster or QSY to another band/frequency and the radio or
>computer follows perfectly. OK so far.
>Now, the tech info says you can create a text document of commands and
>send them to the radio via Procomm.
>How do I upload that to the radio from Procomm?
>I have altered the line settings to Comm 4, which my radio is on and 4800
>N81, which are the MP settings, I don't the 850 settings.
>I can see a command that says send file, that asks what type (ASCII) and
>where is the file.
>Assuming 4800 N81 is correct, will this sequence upload the file or am I
>missing something!
>Chris G3SJJ
If you need a list of TS850 commands email me. That offer is open to anyone
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