[UK-CONTEST] AFS 2003 80m

Stephen Telenius-Lowe m01uzn00 at cwcom.net
Mon Dec 2 12:19:01 EST 2002

Hi Derek, Andy & co,

The RSGB HF Contests timetable and rules are already on the HF Contests
Committee website at:


...so you don't have to wait for the Contesting Guide, which will indeed
be published in the January 2003 RadCom.

I don't think the LF Cumulatives are back, though (see the website): the
diary Andy refers to necessarily has to be produced earlier in the year
than the HF Contests Committee meeting in which the following year's
contests are decided upon. It was mainly for this reason that I moved
the production of the RadCom Contesting Guide back from October to
January, so that it could reflect any decisions made at that HFCC
meeting (and I have nothing to do with the production of the diary!)

Steve, G4JVG.

Derek Thom wrote:

> Have the dates for AFS 2003 (80m) been announced anywhere?
> Grateful any pointers.
> Many thanks,
> Derek
> --
> Derek Thom
> Cheltenham
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