[UK-CONTEST] HF Contests.2003

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Dec 4 19:06:15 EST 2002

There does seem to have been authoritative comment that we are to be
disappointed, despite that  I can recollect seeing no adverse comments about
these events or requests for their removal on this forum, indeed quite the

I can recall one remark from a HFCC member to the effect that adjudication
of these events has inexplicably fallen into the "too difficult" category.
Taking into account all the sessions and the undoubted popularity of the
cumulatives among many sections of the contesting fraternity, also the
possibility that there might be a smaller than typical proportion of logs
submitted in an intelligible soft format, a show of hands to help with
keying in entries just might be pursuasive in the right quarters.

Surely the "slow" interest (I have to say if any) could be served by
including a newly licensed section and setting aside a QRS corral as in AFS
(even though it might be a bit narrow on 40), the resulting event providing
a built-in incentive to move slowly towards the faster action.

What about it guys?  Please count me in as a volunteer.


Peter G3LET

> Hi,
> Are the Lf cumulatives definitely on then??  I know it is in the 2003
> calendar on the hfcc web site but there seemed to be some lingering doubt
> about it.  Well with me anyway!
> Good news if they are 'cos I like them  :0)
> Alex
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ivan Davies" <g3izd at davies.net1.co.uk>
> To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Cc: <hfcc.chairman at rsgb.org.uk>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 10:37 PM
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] HF Contests.2003
> The note from Andy Summers adding that the LF cums were included in the
> calendar filled me with joy, I even went outand bought a wall calendar
> which to plot them .Alas, perusing the 2003 calendar quickly burst that
> bubble. I am appalled that out of 19 cw contests no less than 10 are at
> 12wpm, in order, we are told , to encourage the newer licencees.    The
> results table demonstrated the failure of this attempt in that the vast
> majority of entrants were G2, G3 and G4. ( I did provide the figures but
> cannot now find them)
>         What is the next step, a tranche of contests at 5 wpm in order to
> encourage those who find 12 wpm too quick, and then perhaps a set of
> contests at "Morse assessment" speed.
>         Some years ago, in a moment of disenchantment I  mentally reviewed
> the logic of my RSGB membership, and the over-riding argument in its
> was the availability of CW contests, for which at the time I was a
> beginner -  perhaps I should re-consider.
>         My confidence in the actions of the HF contests committee is
> questionable, noting the patent dumbing down of next years calendar.
>         Yours, with jaundice  Ivan G3IZD
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