Steve Reed steve at explore.force9.co.uk
Mon Dec 16 15:32:11 EST 2002

This is one contest I will not miss - 16th consecutive entry.  SSB / low 
power this year:

QSOs:		1016  (990 valid)

DX mults:	93
NA mults:	57

Total Score	297000

Condition were good - but can't agree with Clive that conditions were 
**that** good.  Signals may have been strong but compared with last year's 
contest band opening was later, band closure was earlier and the JA and 
north-west USA openings poorer.  My QSO total was down by 25% on 2001, 
though I did improve the multiplier total slightly - maybe because I got 
the QSO/multiplier mix wrong last time.  Nothing worked from Oceania except 
VK/ZL though there was a sniff of morning long path into the right area. 
 Missed Idaho for WAS (AK and HI not counting).  Lot of excellent 
backscatter and I think I could have worked anyone in the UK regardless of 
antennas - but only 22 G's and M's in the log.  Hope the activity level 
improves or I am going to feel very lonely in this contest in a few years 

Steve G0AEV

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