[UK-CONTEST] Sucessful Format?

Jim Martin MM0BQI at theRSGB.net
Sun Dec 22 08:04:53 EST 2002

Yesterday I took part for a few hours in the OK DX RTTY Contest and was
pleasantly surprised at the excellent level of activity on all bands 10-80m.
I managed 180 Qs and 85 DXCC countries.  Not bad for a minor contest using a
'minority' mode! The Czech contest organisers are to be congratulated.
The rules are simple, everybody works everybody, 1 point own continent 2
points DX QSOs, Mults are DXCC countries AND every OK station worked.
This seemed to keep the OK stations very busy and made them the centre of
attention. Maybe this is a rule we could consider for the future in an RSGB
contest?   The immediate effect of this would be to level the playing field
a little for all UK stations by making them all wanted.  For example in
postcode contests what is the point of trying to work the QRP MM3 station
when you already have the mult in the log from a much stronger station?
A very inclusive type of contest, worth consideration?
Jim   MM0BQI

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