Cambell Stevenson
mm0dxc at 1000mp.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Jul 8 14:23:00 EDT 2002
Dear Sirs,
Please include this on your fine contest page.
EU008 A team from the Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club (C&PS
ARC) in Scotland will once again operate from the Isle of Tiree
(reference number IOSA NH04 and WAB NM04), which is the most westerly of
Scotland's Inner Hebridean Islands. Activity will be during the RSGB
IOTA (Islands on the Air) contest. The team, which consist of
Cambell/MM0DXC, John/MM0JXI, Bob/GM4UYZ, Ron/GM4IKU, Landles/GM4XZZ,
Brian/M0RNR, Iain/MM3IDM, Keith GM0FZM, Robert/MM0ANT and Robert/MM1BJO
will be using the special contest callsign GM2T. The QSL Manager for all
GM2T operations is Bob, GM4UYZ. Updates will be posted on the clubs
excellent web page at: www.cpsarc.com <http://www.cpsarc.com/> or
contact mm0dxc at cpsarc.com
Thanks in advance
Cambell Stevenson
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