Ian Pritchard i.pritchard at ntlworld.com
Tue Jul 16 15:58:57 EDT 2002

Great  fun chasing the OJ stations.   Most were excellent
operators and some were just unbelievably superb. Quite
humbling really.

28MHz propagation to OH was virtually non -existent from
London., and 21 Mhz  marginal.   The OJ stations with their
100W SSB didn't really make it through the 80/40M phone QRM,
Nevertheless I worked every OJ station on at least 2 band
slots and made a total of 190 OJ QSOs.  Close, but no tee

In a gesture of solidarity I also stayed barefoot at 100W
and used a doublet at 50' with tuned feeders.

The Finns can certainly congratulate themselves on a well
run and fun event.

Ian    G3WVG

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