[UK-CONTEST] 'Contesting' articles on the Internet
Chris Tran GM3WOJ
gm3woj at talk21.com
Tue Jul 23 05:30:37 EDT 2002
Tuesday 23rd July 2002
Hello all
Our GM DX Group publishes a quarterly newletter entitled
the 'GM DX Group Digest', and I'm contributing a series of
articles on 'contesting'.
The full series of articles (15 to date) is on my web-site
www.qsl.net/gm3woj/contest1.htm (a 162kB text file)
and includes such thrilling topics as a review of current
HF transceivers, Linear amplifiers, a brief history of SSB
in amateur radio, working pile-ups, etc, etc.
I hope you find these articles interesting, especially if you
are new to contesting.
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