[UK-CONTEST] Jubilee Contest - SDJ Updated

Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Mon Jun 3 21:00:48 EDT 2002

I've made a few changes to SDJ (V9.89) as follows.

Own-area Commonwealth QSOs now score zero points
and will not count as multipliers.  Your own call
area does not appear in any worked/wanted windows.
An updated BERU.CTY is supplied to give positive
identification of non-Commonwealth stations.

So long as Commonwealth entrants remember not to work
other stations in their own call area, V9.89 is not
required.  So, if you're nervous about using a new
version at this stage, just use what you already have,
but don't mix the new BERU.CTY with an earlier version
of SDJ.

A reminder that Commonwealth entrants can work everyone,
excluding their own call area. In this contest, all of
the British Isles (apart from EI) is one call area.

SDJ may be downloaded from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdj989.zip
(288 kb).

Paul EI5DI

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