[UK-CONTEST] Jubilee Contest

Mike Farmer G3VAO at hortonbrook.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Jun 5 17:35:19 EDT 2002

Now call me grumpy if you want to but I believe that the following line taken from the Jubilee contest rules is discriminatory.

"(d) Certificates will be awarded to the three highest placed UK Intermediate licensees, and to the three highest placed UK Foundation licensees."

I suggest that once again we see the effect of bending over backwards to give anyone who is slightly interested the chance to have something for nothing.

When are the G2's G3's and G4's going to be rewarded for keeping the hobby alive in the UK?

73 gd lk in the Jubilee Contest, I regret that I will not be taking part due to the discriminatory nature of the rules.


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