[UK-CONTEST] CDXC Contesters who took part in CQ WPX CW/NFD/Jubliee Contests

Paul Brice-Stevens paul at g0wat.demon.co.uk
Tue Jun 18 15:42:54 EDT 2002

For non-CDXC members please forgive the bandwidth

Hello all

I thought that the floodgates would open....I really did!...what with CQ 
WPX, then NFD, topped off with the Jubilee Contest...a veritable 
cornucopia of contesting...I thought that the postbag for the CDXC 
Digest QRZ Contest Column would bulge like Bernard Manning trying to fit 
into a size 30 pair of jeans....alas no!

Please if anyone has a report/write-up on how they faired it would be 
most appreciated as the QRZ Contest Column cupboard has suffered a take 
over bid by a certain Mrs.Hubbard and not only has the dog no bone, but 
he hasn't got much of a contesting column to read to take his mind off 
the hunger pains either.

My deadline is Friday if anyone feels the muse take hold.


Paul Brice-Stevens

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