[UK-CONTEST] BERU and Cricket

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 4 15:25:24 EST 2002

Other similarities :

- Overseas players allowed to score runs off their own country and UK
players but UK players only allowed to score runs off players from other

- Old fashioned implements must be used to slow down the rate of scoring.

- Dress should include old school tie. No T-shirts allowed.

- Opponents of the sport should be prepared to be castrated.

General view of real sports people in the UK: Not worth wasteing a weekend

73 Chris

----- Original Message -----
From: Clive Whelan <clive at gw3njw.fsworld.co.uk>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 8:04 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] BERU and Cricket

> I was quite struck during a recent QSO with OM Ed G(U)3SQX, by
> an analogy that he drew between ( the upcoming) BERU and
> Cricket.
> On reflection, the following are clearly shared attributes of
> the "games";
> 1. As old as the hills
> 2. Played only in the Commonwealth ( well almost).
> 3. Beyond the comprehension of the rest of the world, who cannot
> understand the subtleties.
> 4. Sometimes slow and boring.
> 5. Despite 4 above, demanding of the players at the highest
> level.
> 6. Capable of uniting the most disparate of cultures. ( Note
> that a Welshman once captained England and can still hold his
> head up in the Principality!).
> However, certain dissimilarities are also apparent, amongst
> them:
> A. No lunch and tea breaks.
> B. No drinks brought on when the going gets tough.
> C. You don't have to dress up( although it's not against the
> rules!).
> D. A good night's sleep is not guaranteed.
> 73
> Clive
> gw3njw at gw7x.org
> Contest Cambria-http://www.gw7x.org

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