G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 5 10:34:03 EST 2002

As someone who was involved in the introduction of Special Contest Calls, I am totally disgusted at the misuse of a Contest Call in this way. Mike, would you like to publicly name the callsign? If not, would you please forward it privately to the Chairman of HFCC. I am sure he would want to remind the holder that they have NO rights other than to use the callsign in certain events.

Chris G3SJJ

  On 21261.94 (again running) one of the few runs I got below 10m a G station using a special contest call starts calling CQ on 21262.33 just 0.39 below me! I point it out and get a stream of abuse about giving preference to special call holders as they are the serious contesters.
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