Lee Volante lee at g0mtn.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Mar 17 14:24:10 EST 2002

Hi all,

Wow - great contest !   Whilst I'm not in the same league as Messr's CKP and
SDX - I'm around 3 dBQSOs down on them I was still pleased with my total.
Good UK activity too - I was planning on getting some sleep overnight but
with a few others still going strong past 2 am I carried on too.   I tried
this time a few cups of coffee overnight which did me a lot of good
(surprisingly), and combined with some toast for breakfast I sailed through
the 24.   I'm very wary of this approach for a 48 hour contest though.

I entered SOAB MIX LP which I know is not a favoured choice, but I prefer it
as it gives more options for S+P and prevents running out of stations so

Good bits:  Very steady rate in the 60's for virtually the whole contest.
Finally working JA (actually a couple) on 40m CW - all time band country
believe it or not.  Able to run on 80 through 10 on CW with no problems, and
did mostly S+P on SSB to rack up the mults and keep the rate going.
Surprised myself how early 15 and 10 opened on the Sunday morning.  And 20
never quit at all....

Not so good bits:   There was a very noticeable increase in requests for
repeats when the serial got to four figures (it sounded like disbelief from
a few stations).  DXped I assume around 21.020 this morning which took out
the next 20 kHz - very confusing to be in the middle of.    The USA QSO
parties accepted RDXC QSOs, but I fell foul of a Spanish contest this
morning.   Having a mixed mode contest coincident with a major RTTY contest
made 40m a bit of a squash.

Uptime: 23 1/2 hours.  Supper, breakfast, and trips to fill the kettle
accounted for the rest.

Bit late for this year now, but try the below to keep up with the Russian
phonetics when trying to resolve callsigns:

HF Summary Sheet

Callsign      : G0MTN

TS850 / 100w / Butternut HF6 + windom

Claimed Score : 3,405,696   (I'm QTHR for the sherbet Clive !)

                160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

    Valid QSOs:   14  140  249  427  221  270  1321
   Total Mults:   12   54   80   91   66   81   384
  Total Points:   69  841 1556 2871 1537 1995  8869

       CW QSOs:   11  112  199  311  113  170   916
      SSB QSOs:    3   28   50  117  108  104   410

      CW Mults:   10   44   68   69   31   40   262
     SSB Mults:    2   10   12   22   35   41   122

     CW Points:   60  694 1245 2070  733 1191  5993
    SSB Points:    9  147  311  801  804  804  2876

 CW Area Mults:    4   24   40   45   17   24   154
SSB Area Mults:    0    4    7    9   25   27    72
    Area Mults:    4   28   47   54   42   51   226
 Country Mults:    8   26   33   37   24   30   158

Thanks for the QSOs.



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