[UK-CONTEST] UK Contest RUDXC Effort

john dunnington g3lzq at john-dunnington.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Mar 18 06:00:16 EST 2002

RUDX Contest..a real revelation
Had intended to look at this one given the earlier publicity but was already
committed for Sat PM so no full time effort. GOT ON INTERMITTENTLY from
When Steve (CKP) gave me #438 on 10m at 1630 realised had missed something..

No luxury of 2-radios and a battle weary antenna farm from recent gales.
Have enjoyed the old CQ-M over many years and an interest in Russian Oblasts
was the motivation for some 80m activity.
Moved to 160m at 20z to find 10:1 swr on the 60ft vertical.Linear loading
open at base of antenna. Easy to find with lantern but trek into paddock in
dark very deliberate to avoid the ground radials. Last venture cost me a s/c
and it
resulted in a pair of blown Mosfets in the TS950SDX so very wary trek..

Didn't hear any GM,GI and only GW was Clive NJW who called me on 160m at
Several G's active who stopped by for the mult for me tnx. In view of the
semi-serious entry lots of time spent S/P mode but even then rates over 100+
last 10 could be achieved due to high level of activity. This is a definite
one for next year and who knows maybe Mixed Mode with two radios!

For those who have not seen the contest web-site take a peek it is a
and a joy to browse but obviously a professional job.

Callsign      : G3LZQ
Claimed Score : 2,782,260
Mode       : CW Single Op HP

                      160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

    Valid QSOs:   88  207  139   161   169   177   941
     Total Mults:   46   77     70     70     71     76    410
     Total Points:  606 1473  993 1181 1186 1347  6786

 Oblast  Mults:   25   48      46     44     44     48   255
 Country Mults:  21   29      24     26     27     28   155

 Phased Pair Top Loaded 45ft Verticals on 80m were a real bonus in the QRN
 battle raising the Dx Oblasts. Highlight was UA0Y (Tuva) and XR0X worked
 1st call 0420z on the back of OH8SR otherwise 80m pretty routine.

 40m suffered through my lack of activity never ran just S/P A61AR (1751z)
 was the only DX.

 160m very noisy only 2-USA both moved me from 80m as did several others.

 Went to 15m from 80m at 05z band hopping then moved to 10m at 0545z with
 JA UA9 UAO (Z18+19). Usually chasing DX on 80/160 at that time..

 Steve Knell commented he thought around 40 countries/band didn't think that
 many but lots of Eastern EU Activity plus many USA big guns. Maybe I needed
 more QSO's to reach that level Steve. Was more into the Oblasts bit..

 Sorry it is a bit long but may just wet a few for next year..

 73 John

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