[UK-CONTEST] Contest Rules

Mike Farmer G3VAO at hortonbrook.freeserve.co.uk
Tue May 7 11:46:31 EDT 2002

In a recent message Dave G4BUO stated that

"The deadline for NFD notifications published in Radcom is 6 May (today) but I am happy to receive notification up to 20 May, please email notifications to g4buo at compuserve.com "

I raised concern that once again the HFCC appear to be "bending" the rules. Despite the follow up e-mails, I cannot understand why this happens.   If the HFCC think that the timescales for notifications currently required by the rules are inappropriate then they should change the rule in the meanwhile the rule should apply.

Would someone explain to me what I am failing to understand (or is it just modern societies approach to things?).

73 de Mike

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