[UK-CONTEST] WPX Rules for Multi-Single
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Wed May 8 17:04:42 EDT 2002
Suggestions, advice and thoughts welcome on this one.
I am planning a multi-operator entry in this year's WPX CW, mainly to try out the equipment we will be using at GU8D in the IOTA Contest, but also to get some contest operating practice in before the event.
I am aware that in fact Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter doesn't really mean single transmitter so I have been reading, re-reading and re-re-reading the rules to try and understand how I can best organise the station. In addition, on the NA (Contest Logger) Reflector, K8CC makes the comment that " When WPX changed the multi-single rules to allow a second multiplier-only station ...."
Now that made me prick my ears up since it then becomes similar to the IOTA rules, except there is also a 10 minute rule. It seems to me that it it is all a bit over complicated when what it really needs is some simple wording as in the IOTA contest rules.
Anyway, what I think it means is that I can have one Run station and one Mult station but each station must stay on a band for a minimum of 10 minutes. This means that I can't have the Mult station requesting instant moves, but could say set up a sked (for say 11 minutes time). Also, K8CC's comments seems to confirm that there would be no point in having other stations.
In some ways the 10 minute rule here isn't so good as it takes some of the fun out of moving people around the bands, but it does help to focus your mind on getting the best out of the particular band that you are on, which can't be a bad thing. It also seems to me that here is a good way to train lesser experienced contest operators.
BTW, K8CC's comments were regarding the rule that each station should have its own set of serial numbers. It has been clarified by WPX Contest Director N8BJQ that one set of serial numbers, as per IOTA, is acceptable. Apparently this rule was brought in to appease some contest software which could handle the same series of numbers on a networked system. NA does this admirably.
Seems like a case of the tail wagging the dog, but then you end up with a mess so to speak!
Apologies for the long posting, but one further point of interest. Looking at last year's CW results, the top Eu MS entry made just over 4000 Qs and 1000 mults in the 48 hours. Now compare that to the top IOTA Island MO making some 3400 Qs and over 500 mults in just 24 hours, and with a more complex exchange. Seems to me that the real winner is the IOTA contest.
73 Chris
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