[UK-CONTEST] Field Day

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Sun Nov 3 15:02:43 EST 2002

To add to the debate about field days, I went through my
stored emails from this year's CW Field Day, which as you
know has a registration system (no longer compulsory),
and this year had competition from the Jubilee, World Cup
and Jubilee Contest. Every year, several groups who register
find in the end they cannot compete. The following are the
emails I received. Names of groups have of course been

Dave G4BUO
HF Contests Committee

1. I regret to inform you that we are unable to enter this years 
nfd due to the lack of operators.  There are so many other 
functions on because of the Jubilee in this area which have 
taken priority over NFD.

2. I didn't attend the last club meeting, but a friend told me that the new
Chairman of XXXXX ARC is not a contest supporter, and that sadly, he isn't
encouraging the club to take part this year. I was willing to have a go,
my mate is up for the 6m contest, so I can't manage the whole weekend on my
own due to family committments.

3. Just to let you know that unfortunately the XXXXXXXXXX
won't be taking part in NFD, we were somewhat over optimistic
about the amount of free time we have when we registered.
With a weekend break from contesting after the May 144 and 
WPX we should have plenty of enthusiasm for the Jubilee contest!

4. Unfortunately I have to inform you that the XXXXXXXXXX
will not now be able to take part in NFD 2002. Try as I may
I cannot get enough operators/loggers for the event, so regrettably we must
withdraw from the contest. I am particularly disappointed about this as 
we were due to try a new site.

5. Re. our recent registration for NFD. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
It is with much regret that I have to inform that we are no longer entering
the contest, due to the lack of willing bodies.

6. Due to a lack of CW operators this year XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
will only be operating on Saturday 1 June from the site quoted in the
earlier notification.

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