[UK-CONTEST] CQWW CW ZC4DW SOSB80 LP [un-assisted]

Dez in Cyprus dez at cytanet.com.cy
Tue Nov 26 02:55:42 EST 2002

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: ZC4DW
Operator(s): G0DEZ
Station: ZC4DW

Class: SOSB/80 LP
QTH: Eastern SBA
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   80:  712    14       68
Total:  712    14       68  Total Score = 165,886

Club: Chiltern DX Club


What a difference a day makes
 24 little hours

CQWW this year came one day too soon. On Saturday, condx on 80m were
because 150 million kilometers away, the sun became angry.

And to make matters worse, closer to home, Saturday on the Eastern Sovereign
Base Cyprus, we had major thunderstorms for the entire day.

Only the mentally insane would consider working single band 80m in these
sort of
conditions. I was there.

It was impossible to get any runs going on the first night. Everything was
search and pounce. There was not much DX to be found on 80, 3V8BB was a rare
double-mult. As daybreak approached I scoured the band for the USA at my
sunrise, but polar absorption was so severe that the 2 or 3 US big-guns were
weak and watery and not copying me.

The second session started just before my sunset on the first day; I
searched for evidence of improved condx, but found none. There were no W6 or
Zone 3 to be heard on the longpath. Things continued rather slow, and at the
of day one I’d worked only 250 stations, mostly EU virtually all S & P.

At 01:30 local time, I came to the conclusion that I really had worked
on 80m that I could hear – except for IG9A and 4U1ITU who had big pile-ups.
seemed the same usual suspects were on the band each time I trawled, so I
it quits, went to bed and didn’t even bother waking up for Sunday sunrise.

Single band 80m is very good socially. I had ample time to watch the soccer
and eat sensible meals during the weekend.

As Sunday sunset approached I almost lost all hope that condx would somehow
improve. I just kept telling myself they couldn’t get any worse. And they
when the 3rd and final session started.

Almost bang on sunset I heard a couple of flurries of activity towards the
bottom end of 80m. A closer listen revealed WA5VGI (Zone 3) on the longpath.
After 10 minutes of calling, signals peaked and the first US station was in
log. At last, game on! Shortly after, I found VQ9X for another nice

Anyone who works SB 80m knows just how precious the much talked about
double-multiplier is!

Sunday evening condx proved much better, and at last I managed to get some
going. 100 Watts and a ‘cloud warmer’ produced a steady run of Europeans,
and it
was especially nice to be called by D44TD for another double-mult. Thank

And then as I’m working my steady pile-up, some idiot starts calling S9MX
chaos breaks out. I don’t know whether S9MX had QSY’d onto my pile-up, or he
been miss spotted, but things settled down eventually, and my rate picked up

But with only 2 or 3 hours left I still hadn’t worked Zone 5 because of the
Ap index. I hung on and hoped that someone would spot me on the DX cluster.
the contest drew to a close, 80m began to open Stateside, and I was very
relieved to work a couple of the big guns in Zone 5 and it was a welcome
surprise when WI5A from Texas called in 30 minutes from the end.


A real test of stamina, especially with the static crashes for the whole of
1. Only worked one JA, and didn’t hear any VE’s.

600 feet horizontal loop @ 30 feet up
100 Watts


For CQWW next year I won’t have a shack to operate from, so I’m available to
join a M/M or M/2 team.

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