John Dunnington g3lzq at john-dunnington.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Nov 30 06:46:40 EST 2002

Following this thread of anti-bird devices...
I used for several years a "Plastic Owl" perched on top of my tower (highest
point) this did two things:
It kept the antenna clean  but more important it avoided the bird *** being
sprayed around the lawn and garden paths so the XYL was happy.

One word of warning if you live in an area frequented by other birds of prey
(feathered) they will at sometime decide the intruder must go and attack it
by "swooping and dive bombing". Once they realise it wont move all will be
well and peace reigns.

I later upgraded to a model which had auto-wing flapping in the breeze to
make it more authentic.

I purchased mine from a local "Sporting Gun Shop"

Cheers John  G3LZQ

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