[UK-CONTEST] Fw: RSGB contest programme.

Ivan Davies g3izd at davies.net1.co.uk
Fri Oct 25 18:41:02 EDT 2002

Subject: RSGB contest programme.

All this talk of just 2 or 3 RSGB HF contests makes for a very lean year. I used to keep a 1 year wall planning chart on which to enter those contests which interest me. I do not bother any more, I can put them on a Postit note. My main gripe is , as ever , the demise of the LF cumulatives, 9 of them, dumped without any prior warning and little or no comment. Having noted the marked lack of interest in the Slow speed cums by those they were supposed to attract, I shall not bother with them, I think 19 in number.Those regular contesters who support so many of the CW contests didn't have a plethora of QRS contests to ease their way gently in, they just went in at the deep end. I certainly remember how nervous I felt at my first attempts which were in NFD in the 10 watt days.
            Field days, in their separate modes arent broke, and please no more Mixed mode contests, IOTA is sufficient.The demise of CW contests can only be hastened by the inclusion of other modes within what originated as a purely CW one.
            We need more short, say two hours - no more, evening contests on weekdays.
I have no sympathy with those who, "can't get up in time " for the ROPOCOs, OK I no longer work but I used to , and entered them.
    Cheers all ,Ivan G3IZD

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