[UK-CONTEST] Paper Logs/Time to Stop!

MM0ANT allmail at mm0antmail.co.uk
Mon Sep 9 09:27:16 EDT 2002

>Keeping the log file format universal is another problem as contests come
>and go. The alternative is to specify a log format for each contest.
>However, we all know that contesters swear by their particular favourite
>logging programme and what happens if the author of the software decides not
>to support that particular contest? Do you send in a log file in another
>format hoping it will be accepted, or do you simply not take part in the
>contest at all?
So shouldn't the simplest option be used for Logs? How about the world
realising the complicated binary forms are difficult to process and take it
all back to basics with a CSV file? That way you have easily identified
columns which are easier to shuffle is required and anyone can process


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