[UK-CONTEST] HF SSB FD ... HF bands poor or what?

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Sep 9 14:33:11 EDT 2002

Andy Cook, G4PIQ wrote:
>Hum.... from the short time I was able to operate during the aurora, it 
>seemed a bit better (that'll be worse for the SSB FD contestants!) than 
>a minor 'Scottish' event, but definitely not a mega one. Operated just 
>over an hour and worked YL,LY,EW,OH,SM,GM,GI,G,DL,PA,F and heard OK and 
>HG, with HG6Z at 57A although too deaf (QRM?!) to hear me. Worked as 
>far south as JN05AI from here in JO01. This was all during the 
>afternoon session, Definitely not a good contest to have planned not to 
>do seriously.

Wow - I stand corrected! Serves me right for going out, and partying 
until it was almost over.

73 from Ian G3SEK

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