[UK-CONTEST] SSB FD Claimed Scores

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 10 15:36:26 EDT 2002

I look forward to seeing a full listing of claimed scores for SSB FD on the HFCC Website
in 2 weeks time. If HFCC are short of manpower then I will gladly volunteer to input the
the data into the spreadsheet I developed a few years ago, which also includes an
analysis of the categories of operators ie G2, G3, G4, G0, M0, Class B etc.  Forward the
summary sheets to me as the come in. Most entries will be submitted within a week, any
stragglers can be phoned or e-mailed. I count 33 UK /P groups in the Contest Cumbria log.
How about it?

Chris G3SJJ

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