[UK-CONTEST] Re: Computer Logs

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Thu Sep 12 04:10:39 EDT 2002

Paul O'Kane wrote:

>Yes, and perhaps contest organisers should also provide free
>antennas, and radios, and computers, and all the other little bits
>and pieces that contesters need from time to time!

I understand your particular concern Paul, but w.r. I think you're missing the point here.  Nobody (yet) is pushing me towards a particular radio, antenna, gimmick, etc. and I'm not (yet) asking for free contest software, only some help for the manual operator who, cardboard dupe sheet in hand, has made a stab at working out his score, signed his photo-copied cover sheet and is preparing to create his copperplate entry log.

Nothing fancy is needed, because the organiser's s/w already scores the entry, finds dupes, etc., just an editable means of entering date/time, call, report (with default) and serials, providing an output format that results in minimum hassle for the adjudicator.  A small subset of SD could work here :)


Peter G3LET

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