[UK-CONTEST] HF SSB Field day rules ..

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sat Sep 21 05:15:38 EDT 2002

An interesting discussion. Dave BUO's history of the reasons for the various
rule changes was pretty accurate and comprehensive.

I have to say though that on balance I would agree with Jim that the rules
should be consistant. It does seem that a section within a
section has been created, however, and a big however :

Jim, if a change was to be made such that say, two TS930s could be used in
the Restricted section, with the tx of the second one disabled, (and that
seems quite reasonable to me), you would be entering a new ball game. To
take full advantage of this :

a - your operators would need to spend more time at the radios. For instance
if you currently have 4 ops doing say a 3 hour shift ie 3 hours on, 9 hours
off; you would need to change that to two team of two ops doing three hours
on three hours off, including over night.

b - you would need to make up some kind of switching unit such that the
second radio can share the one antenna during the receive periods of the
main run radio. Obviously it would need to be disconnected/protected on
transmit to avoid smoking the 2nd radio.

c - You would need a second computer to be networked to the main one so that
you could determine whether or not you needed a particular station as a new
/P or new mult.

d - If you currently use SD, which is excellent for single station setups,
you would need to purchase a new logging program such as CT/NA/TR/WL to
enable you to make the network connection.

e - Most importantly, you would need the motivation to change operating
techniques and move up a gear to take advantage of the various changes so
that you moved up the ladder from your comfortable middle position.

NOW, if you are willing to take those on board, I would say a rule change is
applicable, if not then I would fully back Dave.

Chris G3SJJ

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-admin at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-admin at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jim Balls
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 7:35 AM
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] HF SSB Field day rules ..

Hi Dave,

I didn't make the remarks to offend, or get the rules changed, just to get
a response, and as I said previously, it worked.

As you said in a previous email :-
>This year in the Restricted section of NFD three of the top ten
>groups used single-RX radios (TS930 TS940 IC756).

Yep and I guess they were placed 8,9,10 out of 10 entries!

I honestly cant see me taking part next year if there isn't a more level
playing field .. we may as well put our valuable time into something else,
as I said before, the Amateur Radio is in decline, and I for one don't want
to see it, as I have been involved in the training of foundation licensees
I think I'm doing my bit to help the hobby, but how can we get more people
involved in this contest when the rules are just simply not fair.
try explaining to a any amateur that has not been involved in contests that
we are up against stations using 2 RX's and see what response you get ....
so far all mine have been .. "well that isn't fair!"

Just carry on looking after those that have been contesting for many years
and forget the new comer's ... mmmmm ... good for the sport!

As I said we have been in the HF SSB FD for about 6 years and have always
been mid table, we enjoy the contest, and we make changes every year to try
and make the station more competitive, within the rules, but buying a £1000
+ radio I feel is just OTT and shouldn't bee needed at entry level.

>As Chris G3SJJ has pointed out, field days are multi-op
>contests and it makes sense for the rules to enable more than one
>team member at a time to take part in the process of operating.

Then allow a second RX, if a station is using a dual VFO radio then no
external RX, but if they are using a single RX allow a second RX but only
one antenna.

>So if we did make yet another change to the Restricted Section, the
>only way I feel it could go would be back to allowing two receivers.
>That would remove one of the distinctions between an open and a
>restricted section.

WHAT ... so running 1KW to 4/5/6/7 element yagis is no different to using
100w and a single element multi-band antenna ????
I thought the difference between restricted and open was mainly power &
antenna's   ....   I must be mistaken!
  I'm not asking for multiple RX's just the same amount of RX's ... it's

In restricted section you can use either
1 TX / Dual RX  "in one box" - 100W - One Single element antenna etc etc
1 TX/RX and separate RX - 100W - One Single element antenna etc etc

If the groups want to cheat, they will irrespective of the rules, I just
want to have a fair field for a start, and if the HFCC suspect a group of
cheating then they can always do something about it, after all they are
checking the logs.

Now if the above rules were used I wonder how many groups with FT1000's or
why  would change for a single / separate RX .. none I bet because of the
added problems. but for those without such equipment they can at least
improvise and use a second RX with one antenna .. at least the choice is

So please guy's at least have a good think about it and even discuss it as
it seems most of the replies I've had either via the group or privately
have agreed with me.

Thanks again for your response.

Kind Regards,


At 12:05 PM 20/09/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >Thanks for the reply, but it needed the "Snide Remark" to get you boys to
> >answer, I was actually beginning to wonder if any of the HFCC watched the
> >group, or even answered questions, you have confirmed this but it needed
> >some provoking!
>You're mistaken if you think that making snide remarks will help
>to achieve your aims. That's not the sort of thing that the HFCC will
>respond positively to.
> >I understand what the HFCC has gone through and as you say it's difficult
> >to find a happy medium, but I still feel you could ban the use of 2nd
> >in the restricted section.
>I really don't think we can. Ever since the introduction of the FT1000
>some groups have made use of both receivers. We can't just take
>that away, and if we did I feel there would be a drop in entry, not an
>increase. As Chris G3SJJ has pointed out, field days are multi-op
>contests and it makes sense for the rules to enable more than one
>team member at a time to take part in the process of operating.
>So if we did make yet another change to the Restricted Section, the
>only way I feel it could go would be back to allowing two receivers.
>That would remove one of the distinctions between an open and a
>restricted section. On the other hand the email from Mike G3VAO is
>arguing for removing the antenna restriction (in the case of the 21/28MHz
>contests I think) so that open and restricted sections can both use
>beams. There are always going to be conflicts of this sort when
>framing any set of rules.
>As I said in my previous email I would prefer to specify two receivers
>and leave it up to groups to decide whether to implement this using
>FT1000/TS950, or two separate single-RX rigs FT990/TS870/IC746 etc.
>Perhaps it's best to leave it to others to explain why they think this
>simple model is not such a good idea.
> >What happens if I put a TX/RX and a second RX in a big metal case with a
> >little electronics so it can use one antenna and call it the M0CKE
> >Cheater .. is this then classed as a one box  single antenna single TX
>dual RX?
>If your group as a whole genuinely felt that the box you created was
>within the rules, i.e. it comprised "a transceiver" then that would be ok.
>73, Dave G4BUO
>UK-Contest mailing list
>UK-Contest at contesting.com

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