[UK-CONTEST] HF FD Rules whinging

Ian Pritchard i.pritchard at ntlworld.com
Sat Sep 21 06:17:07 EDT 2002

Our group has been using a dual rx rig on fd for a few years now and it has certainly added to the fun and probably to the QSO total.   Our experience is that it encourages a feeling of "internal competition" amonst ops during search and pounce sessions, but is virtually useless when "running" .  The single antenna limits the usefulness of two rx's.

I can also see that if no one in your group owns one of these rigs then you feel disadvantaged.  Although the "I won't play next time" attitude smacks a little of the playground"
So if it keeps people happy I can see no problem in changing the rules to allow an extra tx/rx. or just an rx..or even another dual vfo rig   After all, the major "restriction" in the excellent restricted section is the single antenna.
73.. Ian ... G3WVG ......member G0AAA

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