Stephen Telenius-Lowe m01uzn00 at cwcom.net
Sun Sep 29 14:00:09 EDT 2002

Thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Scandinavian Activity Contest seriously for the first time since the 1980s! It was great to say hello to all the good friends I made at WRTC in July - and to my old Swedish friends (I was
G4JVG/SM0 on and off between 1982 and 1987).

High points: 5-band QSOs with many stations; 3-band QSOs with JW (JW5X on 10, 15 & 20), and just 1-band QSO with OY (OY9JD 10m); low points: nothing heard from TF, OX, JX (or OJ0 - not expected, though).

Was interesting to hear my fellow UK WRTC visitor Lee, G0MTN, give exactly the same serial number - 158 - as me in consecutive QSOs with OH6Y on 40m! I didn't hear G0MTN after that, though - what happened, Lee?!

Claimed Score: 341 QSOs = 341 points x 127 multipliers = 43,307 total points.

Rig: IC-781 + Henry 2KD Classic amp to A3S beam at 10m and 40/80m Carolina Windom, also at 10m.

Steve, G4JVG.

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