Richard, M5RIC m5ric at talk21.com
Tue Apr 1 08:45:05 EST 2003

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: M2Z
Operator(s): M5RIC

Class: SOSB15 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 15

 Band  QSOs
   15:  250
Total:  250  Prefixes = 153  Total Score = 52,632



15M sounded pretty good during the week when I was putting the station together
but it was the worst I've heard it for a while during the contest. Slow start on
Saturday with little JA activity with mainly Russians on the band. Going through
to the afternoon it never seemed to pick up and it was the same people on the
band most of the time. Biggest shock was there was no NA, the only signal I
could hear was KG6DX but no others at all. Not many of the other stations were
working them so it wasn't just me, looks like we were all in the same boat.

Some great signals from the Far east, 9M2TO had to be the loudest followed by
9V1YC. Good opening to Africa too and nice to hear so many people active at one

Sunday seemed a little better with some EU signals that I hadn't heard the day
before but still not many that I could hear. It seemed Russians were the main
chunk of contacts looking at the log. Again no opening to NA in the afternoon
but still plenty of YB's on the band. Worked a few more from Africa when at
about 19:00 I could hear PY's and LU's coming through finally. After a few
minutes I had them in the log along with P40 and FM. Couldn't break the pileup
of 9G5MD, 9S1X, YE1D and XX9TRR, maybe next time.

Selection of contacts(some called me :-)

ST0RY, 5U7JB, 5H9IR, ZS0M, CQ9K, SU9NC, 3V8BB, 9V1YV, TO3M, 9M2TO & A61AJ.

Equipment - 

Rig - TS-570DG
Power - 100W
Antenna - TH-3 @ 45ft
Software - Writelog 10.40J

I have put some audio recordings on my website of the QSO's, will be uploading
more as I edit them. http://www.qsl.net/m5ric/recorded_files.htm Also a bit of a
write-up and some pictures are at http://www.qsl.net/m5ric/cq_wpx_ssb_2003.htm

Have some recordings of G stations too, MD4K & GM0F if you want them.


Richard, M5RIC / M2Z

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