Don Beattie g3ozf at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 2 07:04:15 EST 2003

        CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2003
      Call:      G5W
      Category:  Multi Single
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      CW 
      Country:   England
      Zone:      14
      160      166      206     1.24     12      60
       80      930     1701     1.83     27      96
       40      945     1989     2.10     34     114
       20     1023     2276     2.22     36     118
       15     1182     2699     2.28     34     114
       10      803     2137     2.66     34     122
     Totals   5049    11008     2.18    177     624  =>  8,817,408
Equipment Description:

1) FT1000MP MkV + Quadra; 10ele 40-10 yagi @ 80ft, dipoles, K9AY LF receiving antenna
2) FT1000MP + TL922; 3 ele 20-10 yagi @ 60ft, Dipoles, Titanex V160HD
3) FT1000D + Cushcraft R5 (spotting station)
Software: networked CT (yes, still good old DOS)  
Operators: G3BJ, G3SQX, G4TSH, G0OPB, G4JKS

Club Affiliation: Chiltern DX Club of UK

What a great contest ! Conditions just right, and activity levels staying high all the way through. Great to hear the bands in such good shape, with lots of mults around everywhere.

I agree with John, WGV, about the non-identifying by some stations. A real pain (even with cluster !).

High spots: 

1) Lots of mults to go for, right to the end                    

2) All the equipment worked flawlessly (including the network !)

3) The wind stayed away (as for WW SSB) - great that those of us on the Welsh borders did not get blown away during a contest weekend

Low spots: 

1) Titanex apparently going U/S Sunday evening dusk - turned out that local wildlife had moved a spare radial onto the bottom of the driven element, casing it to arc and "weld" itself to the live side of the antenna. 

2) Still some antenna improvements needed here to sort out non-competitive aspects

3) Loss of cluster for a couple of hours due to a lunatic FM-er on the 2m link frequency



Don, G3BJ 

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