[UK-CONTEST] Planning for 2004 ?
Chris Tran GM3WOJ
gm3woj at talk21.com
Mon Feb 10 03:12:23 EST 2003
Monday 10th Feb. 2003
Hello all
I also was hoping to see some changes to the RSGB Contest Calendar
for 2003. Discussions and suggestions here on this reflector seemed to
have virtually no effect on the HFCC's planning for 2003.
Now (Feb.2003) would seem to be a good time to think ahead to 2004,
so please could the HFCC give us an indication, in due course, of what
changes or innovations they are planning for 2004 ?
My own feeling is that the one-off Jubilee event seemed to attract quite
a good number of entries, and that an 'RSGB' HF contest (similar to last
weekend's PACC etc..) would be viable. Whether the Commonwealth
should be involved is open to debate.
Chris GM3WOJ
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