Dave Sergeant dsergeant at connectfree.co.uk
Mon Feb 17 10:21:55 EST 2003

Summary for G3YMC:

Callsign       : G3YMC
Claimed Score  : 126,474 
Created by     : SD V9.95 and SDCHECK V9.96
Contest        : ARRL DX Contest
Date(s)        : 15/16 Feb 2003
Mode           : CW
Single/Multi Op: Single
Section        :  QRP

                     160    80   40    20   15   10     Total

  Valid QSOs:    0     13   64  103   58  156     394
  Total States:    0       7   21   26   23    30     107
  Total Points:    0     39  192  309  174  468  1182

TX/RX      : Elecraft K2
Power o/p  : 5W
Antennas   :  60ft longwire at 20ft

I enjoyed this contest, the first time I have ever had a serious 
attempt at it. It is indeed a contest where the smaller station can 
have a reasonable crack at and I would encourage seperate RSGB awards 
for it. As noted, there are already listings in RadCom, but it seems 
not much UK support for the QRP section.

With my station I did not even try for QSOs on Top Band (which would 
have wasted much time with little chance of success) but I did have 
some success on 80. Personally I found 15m hard, it never really 
seemed to open with me, whereas 10 and 20 certainly did. Perhaps my 
longwire has a null in that direction on 15, or was it conditions? 20 
stayed open much later on Saturday than Sunday, and I ended up with a 
little run on 40.  Operating hours, not sure but I guess it was 
around 25.

Nice ego booster in this contest to send 005 for my power and get 
comments back like 'fb QRP'!

73 Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at iee.org
dsergeant at btinternet.com

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