[UK-CONTEST] The EURO (European Union Radio Open)

Dave Sergeant dsergeant at connectfree.co.uk
Sat Feb 22 04:40:56 EST 2003

On 21 Feb 2003 at 23:43, Paul O'Kane wrote:

> Here's my 2 cents worth for new event for 2004 and beyond.
> Proposal:   The EURO (European Union Radio Open)
> Let's review current HF contests with the emphasis on
> Europe.

Paul's ideas are certainly interesting and worthy of consideration. 

As well as the problems he mentions with the current excess of 
individual country contests, it is worth pointing out that some of us 
use contests as a time for gathering new countries/slots etc. Many of 
these contests where you can only work the hosting country, or which 
are biased towards that, are no use for that purpose. For the casual 
contester who has not the time or desire to enter the contest 
seriously they only serve to clutter up the bands.

A new contest along Paul's lines would have sufficient critical mass 
to give both serious and casual entrants a fair field. It is 
approaching the likes of ARRL etc which are known to have a wide 
interest outside the serious contest community. Joining the whole of 
the EC together will probably achieve what individual countries by 
themselves can never hope to achieve.

>Adopt the EURO now :-)
Well perhaps this is the only reason to do so....

73 Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at iee.org
dsergeant at btinternet.com

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