[UK-CONTEST] The new contest mode of the future

Stu samalex at eidosnet.co.uk
Mon Feb 24 09:43:35 EST 2003

> But I have started to see a new mode taking over and I'm having trouble
> finding any information on it.
> The mode I'm talking about is 'Ultra wide CW'. I'm sure some of you have
> come across it.
> It's where you get run off a frequency from someone that's 1Khz+ away!
> I'm not talking 40 over 9 signals, or nasty clicks. I mean actually being
> able
> to hear thier tone through the filter when they are miles away and being
> just over s9.
> Let me say I'm confident I'm not getting overload, and NB is off etc etc.
> It's this wonderfull new mode.
> No matter how many hundreds of pounds you spend on crystal filters the
> 'Ultra wide CW' will be sure to get through.
> I'm not sure how this new mode is created, or what hardware is required.
> It would appear that the dealers of 'Ulra wide CW' only supply thier
> to 1x2 ans 2x1 EU contest calls, and a very few select single op's.
> I would be very intersted to know if it's available to the genral public,
> I'm all for making the most of every advantage during my contesting
> activities.
> Thanks.
> Tongue firmly in cheek.
> Tim-M0BEW.
That would be the ft1000 special mode think they call it click wave aka CW

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