[UK-CONTEST] Cabrillo - claimed scores

Chris Tran GM3WOJ gm3woj at talk21.com
Tue Jan 7 13:24:24 EST 2003

Hello Ian et al

I'm sorry to disagree, but the FAQ on the website you mention (which 
seems several years old) does not actually answer the question 'is the 
claimed score necessary in a Cabrillo entry ?'. The most relevant FAQ is :
2.2 There is no way to assign point values to QSOs in Cabrillo.  Why not?

The point value of each QSO will be computed automatically as part of
the log checking procedure.
Obviously any participant in a contest wants to know roughly how well 
they have done by calculating their Claimed score, but as I mentioned 
before there are occasions where perhaps you want to send in an entry 
for a minor contest, where the scoring or multiplier checking is not
correctly performed by whatever software you are using, but the software
will produce a Cabrillo file.

Despite what others have said, I like Cabrillo format entries - I like the
idea of the contest organiser's log-checking procedures 'ironing out' any
discrepancies in entrant's methods of calculating their own score.
Does anyone know if the ARRL Contest robot, for example, will reject
a log that has nothing on the 'Claimed score' line ?

Chris     GM3WOJ

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