[UK-CONTEST] Butternut HF9V

Jim Martin MM0BQI at theRSGB.net
Fri Jan 10 18:47:35 EST 2003

Hi John
Have a look at http://www.bencher.com/pdf_download.html
There are complete manuals for the range and also some very interesting
articles on how to set up the antennas.Your SWR figures are not too bad but
a lot will  depend on the ground radials you have set-up.  If you had no
problems setting it up so far I would suspect that the ground radial system
is not very effective!  If in doubt you can remove the 18/24MHz coil and
then set up the main bands.  Check to make sure that you have the quarter
wave length of 75 ohm coax connected to the feed point to bring the SWR on
20m down.
I have had my HF6V ground mounted and mounted about 10 feet off the ground
with the Butternut radial kit and it has always performed great.  When out
portable I have 16 x 10m and 4 x 20m radials.  It works best elevated with
the radial kit.
You can make it tune up fine just stuck into the earth but its performance
is like a dummy load!!
Hope this helps
Jim   MM0BQI

----- Original Message -----
From: "john lemay" <john.lemay at which.net>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 8:12 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Butternut HF9V

> Hello chaps
> A little off topic maybe, but bear with me .......
> I have put up a second hand Butternut HF9V. It's in good condition and
> with a copy of the installation notes but the drawing was a bit unclear.
> I get a good match on 3.5, 7, 10, 21, 24  and 28MHz. By that I mean less
> than 1.5 to 1 swr. I appreciate that a good match is not everything, but
> it's still a good place to start.
> On 14MHz the best match is about 1.6 to 1
> On 18MHz the best match is only 2.2 to 1
> I'm a bit puzzled why a couple of the bands should be so much poorer than
> others. I have yet to make a thorough check of clean connections (snow
> stopped play) and I realise this is vital.
> Can any other users of this antenna confirm (or not) that a good match can
> be obtained on all bands, and perhaps offer any further suggestions as to
> where I can look for improvements. Is it possible I have mixed up two of
> coils for instance; some are very similar and the poor drawing does not
> much away - perhaps a confirmation of the number of turns for each coil
> would help me ?
> Regards
> John G4ZTR
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