[UK-CONTEST] Butternut HF9V

john lemay john.lemay at which.net
Sun Jan 12 02:39:52 EST 2003

Hello all

Many thanks for the helpful responses about the HF9V. It's certainly given
me the impetus to continue working, since there is a general expectation
that it "will" work.

Yes, I have trees, a Veratower, and buildings quite close, also boundary
fences and power/Bt cables. Such is life on a small plot. If it was bigger
I'd try dipoles, or anything but a vertical compromise.

I spent some time yesterday cleaning up connections and applying some
anti-corrosion gunge. Perversely and frustratingly this has actually made
some bands a lot worse, so it seems that I am looking for one or more
intermittent connections - and there are plenty of places to look Hi.

The web site was particularly useful and I now realise that I have an
HF9V-X, which is a version using shorter length tubes (but more of them)
presumably for ease of transport. I had been given the instructions for the
standard model.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clive Whelan" <gw3njw at onetel.net.uk>
To: "john lemay" <john.lemay at which.net>; <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Butternut HF9V

> Hi John
> > On 14MHz the best match is about 1.6 to 1
> >
> > On 18MHz the best match is only 2.2 to 1
> >
> 14Mhz is very much a compromise, as you would guess from the
> matching section of 75 ohm coax, and the lowest SWR is never as
> good as the other bands. The upside is that it is very broad. If
> you are measuring at the antenna, then 1.6:1 will be of no
> consequence at all, and depending on the length of your 50 ohm
> line, amy present substantially less than that at the tx. Of
> course modern rigs do balk at greater than 1.5:1, but invariably
> the internal tuner addresses this problem.
> 18Mhz. Having erected three of the beasts, I can say with
> confidence that the supplied coil set up is *not* correct! Don't
> be afraid to deviate very substantially from the book, and see
> what you get. There is some interaction between the 18 and 24
> Mhz settings, so some experimentation will be required.
> If you get stuck, email me privately, and I'll give you the
> range of coil dimensions that I have installed on my three, for
> both 18 and 24 Mhz.
> The Butternut is a masterpiece of design; shame about the build
> quality! However it will survive 80mph + winds, to that I can
> attest, so what do we want?
> 73
> Clive

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