Steve Jones steve at rjtraining.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Jan 19 13:15:16 EST 2003

Better late than ever! 
                  HF Contest Summary Sheet

Callsign:  GW0GEI                     Total Claimed Score      2170



      Super-Duper: V9.21

      Copyright Paul O'Kane EI5DI  1990-98      www.iol.ie/~okanep

Band         160m     80m     40m     20m     15m     10m    Total 

Valid QSOs      0     217       0       0       0       0      217 

QSO Points      0    2170       0       0       0       0     2170 

 TX/RX      FT1000 plus Acomb 1000 pa

 Power o/p  400w

Antennas   Inverted v dipole @ 40ft


Slow start as usual, and lower activity towards the end but the middle bit was ok! Usual key click city and the occasional frequency intrusion but no major wars!


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