Steve Jones steve at rjtraining.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Jan 19 14:13:03 EST 2003

Hi All,

SSB leg as follows:
Callsign:  GW0GEI                     Total Claimed Score      2160

Group Name: Dragon ARC
 Location:    Llangefni, Isle of Anglesey 

 Super-Duper: V9.21  Copyright Paul O'Kane EI5DI  1990-98      www.iol.ie/~okanep

Band         160m     80m     40m     20m     15m     10m    Total

 Valid QSOs      0     216       0         0         0          0        216


QSO Points      0    2160       0          0         0          0       2160 

TX/RX      FT1000  plus Acomb 1000

Power o/p  _400w_

Antennas:   Inverted V dipole @ 30ft

Operators  Steve GW0GEI 


Slow start as usual. Nice to be called by so many M5 and M3 stations - lets hope they develop and try some other contests too. The rx on the ft1000 (d) with Inrad filter proved itself better than my old ts850 - didn't have to use 20db att very often - mostly 6 - 12db. 

Like Chris SJJ I lost my run frequency after about three hours of steady running and slow hunting on the second rx of the FT1000 - G3??? asked if the freq was clear just as I was giving my report to the station on the second vfo - too late, freq lost fair and square ;-) 

I would be interested to hear how ops more experienced at SO2r or dual rx use the second radio/vfo. I slowly crawled up the contest band section, halting on anyone I had not worked, and then timed my call carefully (appart from that one last time when I lost my run freq!). I'm not sure if thats the way to do it or whether you are better off tuning faster, looking for the station on the right timing cycle ie you hear his/her full call just when you have stopped txing on the main vfo/radio - and then start over agn.  

Antenna wise, I tried my inverted v dipole at 30ft rather than 40ft (feedpoint) - ends were still at about 10ft agl, which is sodden boulder clay soil. Didn't notice much difference. I may try it up at 60ft next year. 

Any comments from those who tried a reflector underneath the dipole this year? Was it easy to implement, and was there any difference noticable?  Only comparison antenna I have at present is an HF2v Butternut vertical, which is always poorer for uk working.

Thats all for now - back to the decorating for me, to regain some brownie points, after two weekends of contesting and a change of second radio!


Steve GW0GEI 

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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Don Beattie 
  To: Uk-Contest at Contesting.Com 
  Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 9:25 AM

  A bit tough in the second half - still not got this antenna height thing right for the contest.

  294 QSOs 2940 points, with rate as follows:

  Hour 1    123
  Hour 2    85    
  Hour 3    49
  Hour 4    37

  FT1000MP MkV + VL1000 Linear 400 watts
  Dipole up about 65ft
  Titanex 87 ft vertical (pretty useless for this contest)

  Nice to see a good lot of M3 calls in the log


  Don, G3BJ

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