[UK-CONTEST] M5 / M3 Licences

Andy andymorgan.email at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 19 16:13:01 EST 2003

Hi everyone

There seems to be a little confusion from a few people on this reflector
over the M5 Licence.

An M5 Licence is a full UK Licence the same as a G0 G3 M0 etc (unlike the M3
foundation and 2E intermediate series), when the Licence conditions changed
all M5 Licence holders were given the opportunity to change to an M0 Call
sign or retain there M5 call.

The only advantage to changing would of been that people would know you only
passed a 5 wpm morse test to obtain your M5 call, where as holding an M0
call people would not know if received your full licence before the morse
test requirement was dropped to 5wpm.

As I rather liked my M5 call and no further M5 non contest calls  will be
issued (also slightly more useful than an M0 in WPX), I decided to retain

Well if you weren't confused before you probably will be now !!

73 Andy M5ZAP

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