Steve Jones steve at rjtraining.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Jan 19 19:47:15 EST 2003

Hi John,
I have taken a note of your antenna height and config, as you were very very loud down here - the strongest gm on the band - could just have been the propogation between us at the time but I think i will try something a bit nearer to a dipole than an inv v config next year - difficult to decide on orientation though being out here on the west coast - nrth east to south west maybe from here - to give me main lobes se and nw.  I think I will try to get two antennas up next year one very low and one higher than this years 40/30ft.


Steve GW0GEI 
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John MacLean MM0CCC 
  To: uk-contest at contesting.com 
  Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 12:21 AM
  Subject: [UK-CONTEST] AFS SSB 2003 - GM6NX

  Slightly tougher going than the CW leg and as others have already said,
  finding a freq to CQ was rather difficult.  The SSTV brigade were also
  evident up here, though fortunately not on any run frequency we managed to
  find.  We had enough to contend with with the "tuners"!  Heard several
  tirades between stations disputing who was on a freq first.  Dont think it
  helps (whether you are in the right, or not) to start the debate of who was
  there first by being abusive to the other station.  Surely a bit more tact
  would result in some sort of agreement, rather than ending up trying to out
  CQ one another?

  Lost run freq several times to work new ones lined up on Sub VFO.  Too bad,
  as others have pointed out!  That's the risk you take vacating it, even if
  only for 15secs or so.

  Callsign  -   GM6NX.
  Operators  -  MM0BSM, MM0CCC.
  QTH  -  Nr Stirling.
  FT1000MP, ETO91b, logging with NA.
  195 QSO's, including 1 dupe.
  Best DX   S57KTR.
  Antenna  -   Dipole @ 70', ends at 40', running East West.

  73 de John

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  UK-Contest at contesting.com

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