[UK-CONTEST] NFD Logs - rcvd OK?

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Thu Jul 24 02:30:29 EDT 2003

>Sorry if I missed it, but has there been a message on here confirming
>receipt of the NFD Logs? From memory there was no automatic
>acknowledgement from the RSGB server.
>We'd hate to have the GM0AAA/p log not being received OK, having
>driven 1,200 miles round-trip to take part NFD this year!

Hello Nigel and all NFD entrants

I posted an email on UK-contest on 13 June stating that I would 
acknowledge receipt of each log when it is received. This I did,
as logs came in, but the acknowledgments were done by hand 
as there had been problems with the auto-acknowledgment from 
the web server.

All logs received are stored here, and a quick count shows 56
including checklogs, but GM0AAA/P is not one of them!
However, it is not HFCC policy simply to exclude entries that
are late or may have gone astray. Where possible we take
steps to ensure all logs have been received, and when I started
to process the list of logs received - which I haven't done yet
due to GB5HQ and other factors - the absence of your log
would have been noted. Please arrange to send me your
log ASAP. Any other NFD entrants who did not receive a 
confirmation from me should email me in the first instance,
rather than just resend. 

This process is clearly easier for something like NFD where
there are notifications, and the number of entries is relatively
small. Don't expect Don to do this for IOTA!

The NFD results are scheduled for publication in November
Radcom, as normal, and that is the plan to which I am working.

Dave G4BUO

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