[UK-CONTEST] NFD 2003 G0RGH/P effort

Jonathan G0DVJ g0dvj at amsat.org
Thu Jun 12 17:06:06 EDT 2003

Great weekend of fun.  We were back in tents instead of a caravan this 
year.  Weather was kind to us right on the coast here although we could 
hear the static crashes around us on LF.  Conditions seemed fairly 
average overall.

Again we concentrated on giving a number of less experienced operators 
a chance to work NFD at our station but the main thing is that everyone 
felt included whatever their ability and had fun.    Also held a club 
BBQ on saturday evening and had over 35 attendees - not bad for a club 
of 26 members !

Section:       Restricted

                       160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total
Valid QSOs:   68     130     87    134     15     19     453

Station:  FT920 & 100w  -  Ant homebrew single dipole with manual band 
switched extensions (croc clips) in inv vee config.

Jonathan G0DVJ
obo Harwich Amateur Radio Interest Group (HARIG)

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