[UK-CONTEST] Fw: EU Sprint CW - Results
Fred Handscombe
fredch at homeshack.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Jun 16 13:26:42 EDT 2003
Hi All
For those who didnt enter, here are the results. Great effort from Dave
and Clive - Congratulations! The mail gives details on how to look up the
reports of the contest and look at all the logs!
Book the date for the next one in October, 11th
73 Fred
----- Original Message -----
From: "I2UIY" <i2uiy at cqww.com>
To: <Elenco destinatari soppresso>
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:30 PM
Subject: EU Sprint CW - Results
> Hello!
> The results of the Eu Sprint Contest - Spring CW (held on April 19)
> have just been released.
> You can find your UBN report on the new Eu Sprint web page at:
> <www.qsl.net/eusprint>.
> The great news is that both the UBN and the LOGs are public and
> available for everyone on our web page, just click on a callsign to
> see the UBN report or to download the log in .ASC format.
> Please pay us a visit. Here you will find everything about the Eu
> Sprint: rules in several languages, results, prizes and software to
> download. Please visit the page and help us to keep it up. We want your
> articles about the Eu Sprint, share with us your tactics and secrets!
> Thanks for your entry, 73!
> Paolo, I2UIY
> Eu Sprint Gang
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Results of the European Sprint Contest (April/19/2003)
> Manager I2UIY
> Call Name QSO 80 40 20
> ------------------------------------------------
> 1. G4BUO DAVE 217 51 73 93
> 2. LY9A GED 211 54 59 98
> (Opr. LY3BA)
> 3. LY2OX TED 206 51 70 85
> 4. GM3POI CLIVE 198 52 64 82
> 5. OL5Y MAR 195 44 67 84
> (Open OK1FUA)
> 6. HG5Z GYURI 188 52 67 69
> 7. OK2ZU VOC 186 54 65 67
> 8. EN1U SERGE 185 39 55 91
> (Opr. UX1UA)
> OK2FD KAR 185 54 71 60
> 10. 9A7P LEE 183 39 69 75
> (Opr. 9A6XX)
> 11. IK0YVV MARCO 182 40 66 76
> 12. OH2PM PERTTI 181 37 74 70
> LY2BM RIM 181 44 60 77
> 14. YO9WF IONUT 180 34 74 72
> 15. G4BWP FRED 179 42 62 75
> 16. OK1KT ATA 178 43 65 70
> 17. ES5QX JUSS 175 40 61 74
> 18. ES5TV TON 169 41 56 72
> G3AB ANDY 169 37 67 65
> 20. RK3BA YURI 159 32 63 64
> 21. GU3SQX ED 158 36 52 70
> 22. OL4M GEO 157 42 62 53
> 23. G3SJJ CHRIS 153 36 52 65
> 24. HB9CZF NIK 152 40 62 50
> I0JFE JOHN 152 23 63 66
> 26. G0MTN LEE 146 28 63 55
> 27. OK2BND JAN 144 39 52 53
> 28. SM3X LARS 143 38 51 54
> (Opr. SM3CVM)
> 29. OK1VD VASEK 135 35 62 38
> 30. EI4BZ DAVE 133 20 49 64
> 31. OK2DU BAC 132 31 51 50
> 32. OK2PTZ TOM 131 34 46 51
> UT5ECZ EDO 131 33 40 58
> DJ9RR HEYE 131 36 50 45
> 35. I2UIY PAOLO 129 29 16 84
> DJ1OJ HEIJO 129 28 43 58
> 37. YU1ZZ MILAN 125 28 54 43
> 38. OK1FCA STAN 124 25 64 35
> 39. DL9ABM STEFAN 122 31 50 41
> 40. IK2HKT STEN 121 29 45 47
> ON5ZO ZEP 121 29 50 42
> 42. IN3FHE INA 119 25 48 46
> 43. DJ1YFK FAB 116 27 50 39
> 44. LY2BBI ADO 114 32 31 51
> 45. UR6IGG BORIS 113 20 43 50
> 46. UR5EFJ ROMAN 110 26 42 42
> 47. OK1TN SLAVEK 109 38 40 31
> SP2DNI ANDY 109 31 39 39
> 49. G3XSV AL 104 0 44 60
> 50. GW3NJW CLIVE 100 19 31 50
> G3XTT DON 100 15 39 46
> 52. SP9DUX VLAD 97 19 41 37
> 53. UT0RM ALEX 96 0 41 55
> 54. LZ2UZ KRIS 92 19 27 46
> OH4RH MAURI 92 0 49 43
> M0GMT DANNY 92 9 43 40
> 57. OZ1AA TOM 90 0 0 90
> 58. K1KI TOM 80 0 0 80
> 59. EU4LY YURI 79 16 35 28
> 60. RN4SS IGOR 77 0 22 55
> 61. RA3XO SANY 75 20 25 30
> 62. SM5IMO DAN 72 4 38 30
> 63. DL1JF HERMAN 69 15 27 27
> 64. LZ4AE ANGEL 66 0 17 49
> 65. I1BAY ATTI 65 12 20 33
> 66. SM3AVW SID 62 0 37 25
> 67. G3ZRJ TONY 60 0 27 33
> 68. HS0ZDZ RAY 52 0 0 52
> LY2OO ARWI 52 20 0 32
> OM5NA DEZO 52 0 1 51
> 71. IK0XFD GIO 45 0 2 43
> 72. RW3FO DIMA 43 0 0 43
> 73. G3IZD IVAN 41 12 0 29
> 74. OK1KA JOSEF 36 0 0 36
> 75. JA3YPL AKI 32 0 0 32
> EU6AA VIC 32 0 0 32
> 77. G3HKO DES 30 5 7 18
> 78. UW5U VLAD 29 0 3 26
> (Opr. UY2UA)
> RV3BA MAX 29 0 0 29
> IK2NCF FEL 29 0 11 18
> 81. G4WSX JOHN 28 0 9 19
> 82. OK1KZ PAUL 20 5 8 7
> 83. IK2SAE PAOLO 12 1 1 10
> 84. UT1YW EUGEN 7 6 1 0
> 85. OH6MBQ VESA 0 0 0 0
> Control Log: G3LIK, IK2CIO.
> ------------------------------------------------
> more on <www.qsl.net/eusprint>
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