GW4BLE GW4BLE at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 4 18:11:49 EST 2003

Hello All,

My decision to try single band 40 again this year may not have been
particularly wise, I had hoped for great things following last years' win
and had the European record in sight, however conditions didn't really play
with only a little over 300 Qs in the log after the first night.

Saturday evening saw an improvement, with a call from Jack VE1ZZ just past
19:30 and a trickle of other VE/VO before 20:00.

Bottom line shows -

843 net Qs (888 Gross), 56 Mults for a claimed score of 141,624.
Compare that with last year - over 1200 Qs, and a mult of 59.

FT1000MP / SB220
204-CD @ 50'
Writelog 10.39



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