Chris Tran GM3WOJ gm3woj at talk21.com
Sun Mar 9 06:21:55 EST 2003

Hello all

Thanks to everyone who worked GB5CC - conditions seemed
'average' I guess, from here near Inverness at least.   Haven't worked
out 'mults' yet, but about 48 call areas worked - more ZS stations
than recent years, and a sprinkling of DX : 4S, ZD9, VK9N, AP, 9V etc.
Some good DX on 80 and 40, and also 10m., but 20 and 15 providing
most QSOs as expected.

GB5CC 2003 - Operators Chris, GM3WOJ and Gavin, GM0GAV
Band     QSOs
80         133
40         175
20          249
15         197
10         127
Total = 881 QSOs

Some problems with our issued serial numbers - I'm sure no-one
will be penalised for this, but our software (Writelog 10.38D in WPX
Multi-Multi mode on a 2-PC network) does not handle serial numbers
well, so quite a few stations were issued with the same serial number
as another station. (I'm not trying to rekindle the 'serial numbers'

Although the winning station will probably post a record high number of
QSOs, I definitely think that the rules of BERU are long overdue for
updating, to make it more interesting and enjoyable for a wider audience.

Chris   GM3WOJ

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