[UK-CONTEST] NFD Registration

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Thu May 1 16:44:43 EDT 2003

The deadline for NFD registration is approaching. NFD this
year is on 7-8 June and there's no distraction of the Jubilee
and attendant public holidays, so if you haven't done so 
already, please make plans for entry in this year's contest.

The full rules are on page 58 of January 2003 Radcom and
can also be found on the web page  www.rsgbhfcc.org
Registration is no longer compulsory, but it is required if you
wish to be eligible for an award (first, second or third place
or a band award). As far as I know, HF NFD and VHF field
day are the only contests, apart from WRTC, which use an
inspection system. This helps to guarantee that we're all
on a level playing field. Registration also allows us to send
out a list of groups intending to compete, in advance of
the contest.

In addition to the Open and Restricted sections, there's a
QRP section (10w max. output) in which operation is limited
to a maximum of 12 hours. This should enable even the
smallest group to participate in field day.

NFD is a CW contest, but this could be a good opportunity
for clubs to expose M3s to contest activity - these could be
your future NFD ops!

Please send your registration to me either by email to 
g4buo at compuserve.com  or to my address, QTHR. The
information you should supply is
- Name of Group
- Callsign to be used
- Section to be entered
- Name & address of person responsible for the entry
- National Grid Reference of site
- Access information sufficient for an inspector to be able
to locate the site.

Dave Lawley G4BUO
RSGB HF Contests Committee

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